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Kay County Council offers two scholarships to individuals studying to enter education fields serving the developmentally disabled.

Nathan M. and Bette G. Lee Memorial Scholarship is for a Kay County High School graduating senior pursuing a career in Special Education or related field A $1,000 scholarship, $500 per semester for one year, will be given to the awardee after proof of college enrollment has been established. Enrollment must be in a minimum of 12 college hours per semester with a special education or related field major.

Deadline is March 1st: Follow this link to the application*

Kay County Council for the Opportunity Center Scholarship is for a College junior, senior, or graduate student majoring in Special Education, Speech Therapy, Physical Therapy, or related fields. Scholarship is limited to Kay County, OK residents and/or Kay County, OK High School graduates. Applicant must be enrolled in a minimum of 12 credit hours each semester. The Scholarship is $500, $250 a semester for one year. The Scholarship is available to applicants with a 3.0 grade point average over all course work.

Deadline is June 1st: Follow this link to the application*

Contact the Executive Director 580-765-6782 (ext. 117) for information about the Scholarship programs.


Every summer during July, the Council sponsors a day camp for students with developmental disabilities under the age of 21. Summer Camp affords these children the opportunity to build relationships and share in group activities. These individuals do not have other options for planned summer activities and may not qualify for other programs.


The Camp has two concurrent segments. The students are divided into age groups. An older group, between the ages of 10 and 21, and the younger group, between the ages of 6 and 10, meet twice a week to participate in the planned activities. The program starts at 11 am and ends at 3 pm each day. Lunch and snacks are provided. The program allows the students to experience the local water park, movies, the lake, putt putt, bowling, and picnicking to name a few activities.


Contact the Executive Director 580-765-6782 (ext. 117) concerning Summer Day Camp.

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