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The Good Buy Shoppe is an all-volunteer operated thrift shop. The amazing volunteers changed the support strategy in 2003 to provide equal support for the capital building program and for the operations of the Kay County Council. The Good Buy Shoppe operated by 20 volunteers and one Opportunity Center client is open three days a week and have contributed more than $80,000 to both the capital building program and the Council operating budget.


The Good Buy Shoppe takes donations from the community for resale to the public.


Store Hours:



123 S. Main

Blackwell, OK  74631



Each March, the Kay County Council for the Opportunity Center has a sponsorship drive. Sponsoring the Council provides those in the community who want to support the Opportunity Center an opportunity to ensure those with developmental disabilities have their needs met.


Many clients at the Center have no family support system; therefore, they often do not receive gifts at holidays or on their birthdays. Being a sponsor provides these clients with appropriate gifts and in meeting other needs. The Kay County Council owns all the property utilized by the Opportunity Center. Being a sponsor provides resources for basic maintenance of the group homes and other properties owned by the Council.


A gift may be made in the name of a specific client. By honoring clients, the client knows that individuals in the community support their work and home programs. Support a person with developmental disabilities by sponsoring the Council.


Contact the Development Office 580-765-6782 (ext. 111) for information about the annual sponsorship drive.


In an effort to meet the mission of the Land of Opportunity and to achieve life-long benefits for those with developmental disabilities, the Opportunity Center Board and the Kay County Council committed to meeting the needs of those with severe and profound disabilities as well as the elderly developmentally disabled with growing elder-care issues.


After much deliberation and research, the Opportunity Center Board and the Kay County Council determined that a community group home would meet the needs of the target population. The community group home is the first phase of a multiple phase capital giving program.

The second phase is in beginning planning stages. The plans are to remodel, upgrade, and refocus the space in the original school building to better meet the needs of the training and vocational programs that are located the building.


Wear and tear over time takes a toll on residential property. The group homes and assisted living homes are no exception. Updating and repair of this property is an on-going project under long-range capital expenses and is in the third phase.


Contact the Development Office 580-765-6782 (ext. 111) for information about Capital giving opportunities.


In the early 1960’s The Opportunity Center Foundation came into fruition to provide annual operational gifts to the Opportunity Center. To continually grow the corpus, The Foundation receives the proceeds from the annual Cherokee Strip Golf Classic. The Opportunity Center voted to place all undesignated memorial gifts in the Foundation so that all memorial gifts could live in perpetuity and remembrance of those honored with memorial gifts to the Center.


Estate or trust gifts may be designated to the Opportunity Center or to the Opportunity Center Foundation. For information on how to remember the Opportunity Center in your estate or with your trust, please contact your attorney or financial advisor.

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